Jet Lagged Project

Dušan Kochol & Simona Janišová 2010

Názov JET LAGGED je odvodený od anglického Jet Lag – pásmová choroba (doslova “tryskáčové omeškanie“). Únava a poruchy spánku plynúce z narušenia biorytmu po rýchlom prekonaní niekoľkých časových pásiem. Cestovanie, presuny v pásmach a rozličné kultúry sa stali esenciálnym podnetom vzniku tohto projektu. Londýn (0), Tokio (+ 9) a New York (- 5), tri svetové metropoly, tri časové pásma, tri kultúry, tri nové masky anonymity, ale len jeden totožný pocit. Znamená iný čas a iný priestor naozaj nejakú zmenu, alebo sme len Jet Lagged?

The title JET LAGGED is derived from the English term, Jet Lag – zone sickness. Fatigue and sleep disorder resulting from the disturbed biorhythm after speedy passage through several time zones. Traveling, movements within zones and different cultures became an essential stimulus in the creation of this project. London (0), Tokyo (+9) and New York (-5), three world metropolises, three time zones, three cultures, three new masks of anonymity but only one identical feeling. Does another time and another space really make any difference, or are we just Jet Lagged?



all contetnt coming soon right here!

By that time visit my official site

Peter Pan, jewellery hanger/detail of the object

Glory Box Collection 2010

Photo Simona Janisova